Decreasing EU sugar prices increase pressure on beet area and limit sugar production - EC medium term outlook
European Commission
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
After a record increase in sugar prices in 2023, the EU sugar beet area reached a 6-year high in 2024/25 of over 1.6 million ha. These prices have started to come down and are projected to further decline, while the competition for land use by other crops is expected to increase, therefore the area of sugar beet is expected to slowly decrease to 1.44 million ha by 2035. Exports have hit a multi-year high in 2023/24 but are projected to slowly decline with the decrease in sugar production. Sugar imports are expected to slowly decline towards 1 million t by the end of the projection period.
Click here to connect to the source of this storyClick here for more News and ViewsAs I browse the web researching various topics concerning the EU and UK sugar markets, I've been bookmarking interesting weblinks. Some of these are news clippings, some are links to official documents, and some are interesting data sources.