EU Parlament rejects proposed regulation on sustainable use of plant protection products (SUR)
European Parliament
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
The European Parliament has rejected a Commission proposal on sustainable use of plant protection products. Following a debate on Tuesday 21 November, 299 MEPs voted on Wednesday to reject the Commission’s proposal as amended by MEPs in plenary, with 207 supporting the proposal and 121 abstaining. With this vote, Parliament has effectively rejected the Commission proposal and closed its first reading. The Council still has to decide on its own position on the proposal to determine whether it is definitively rejected or returns to Parliament for a second reading.
Click here to connect to the source of this storyClick here for more News and ViewsAs I browse the web researching various topics concerning the EU and UK sugar markets, I've been bookmarking interesting weblinks. Some of these are news clippings, some are links to official documents, and some are interesting data sources.